Quote of the day

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Karaoke 1º Bach-A

Today we've been using  the Web page KaraokeParty for our English class in 1º Bachillerato. We've been singing some songs all together following the lyrics on the whiteboard. We had some fun, didn't we? Here you can find the videos... don't pick on us too much!! ;D

The result: TOTALLY TONE DEAF!! hahaha! but we promise to get better!


  1. this is AWESOMEEEE!!!!!! xDD

  2. Hi guys, great! fantastic!
    Thanks for this activity, you sing very well ;o)

    Herewith I send you the link to "Kiosko de chuches 2.0" with your example: http://kioskodechuches20.wordpress.com/2011/06/11/karaoke/ Hope you like it.

    Welcome to the "kiosko".
    Kind regards.

  3. It reminds me of my school days wherein we have our singing subject using cheap karaoke machines and then our teacher will call us one by one to sing in front. Quite nervous but still fun! Thanks for this post.
